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Preparing for your procedure

Preparing for your procedure is very important. Once your physician has scheduled your procedure with us you will receive a text and or an email from HST Patient Engagement on behalf of Centennial. This is a convenient, private and secure online registration process. At your earliest convenience, please complete the personal medical history form. It's important to complete or update your online registration and medical history forms as soon as possible so that your medical team will have time to review your information prior to your visit.

If you have an extensive medical history, your physician may request blood work, an EKG or an anesthesia consult. Pregnancy testing is performed at CSC on the day of your procedure, if any other testing is necessary, your physician will notify you and this should be completed at least 7 days prior to your scheduled visit.

If you are currently taking insulin, oral diabetic medications, anticoagulants such as Coumadin or Plavix, aspirin or products containing aspirin, contact your physician immediately for instructions on taking these medications.

If you are taking diet suppressants, herbal supplements or any other over the counter medications such as Motrin or Advil etc., please inform your physician. Marijuana use of any type is NOT permitted 24 hours before your procedure.

If your BMI (Body Mass Index) is 40 or greater, you will be required to come in for an anesthesia evaluation prior to your procedure. This can be done at your convenience between the hours of 9am and 3pm, Monday through Friday, noting that no appointment is necessary.


Should you have questions prior to your procedure and would like to speak to one of our nurses or a member of our Anesthesia Department, please call (856) 874-0790 ext. 115


Our business office will be reaching out to you to inform you of any financial responsibilities that you may have which are due on the date of your procedure. Please check for messages that might be left for you & contact our business office with any questions or concerns at (732) 383-4164.


Business Office Hours: Monday through Friday 7:30am - 4:00pm 


Please click on the link buttons below for further detailed information and instructions.

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